As well as being the tourist season on Sri Lanka’s west coast, now is also the best fishing season. As night falls, tiny lights dot the western horizon – not of low flying stars, or of the illuminated Maldives airport 500 miles away, but of small fishing boats. Fishermen go to sea in the evening, fish all night, and return in the morning with their catch to sell it on the beaches to eager buyers.
This is also the season for net fishing from the shore following a traditional method in use for centuries. Fishermen row two large catamarans through the waves out to sea, taking a net with them on each boat, one end of which is secured by rope to fishermen on the shore.

The boats meet a few hundred metres away from the beach and the fishermen join the two nets together, forming a huge single net which they stretch between them, and row back to the shore. Helpers (even tourists) on the beach grab the lines attached to the two ends of the net and pull on them, hauling the net ashore.
Fish caught within the net are gradually brought ashore and gathered in a sack at the base of the net. The catch is then sorted and sold to waiting buyers on the beach.
Guru’s Tip
You’ll need to get to the beach early in the morning to buy freshly caught fish. One of the best beaches for seeing the traditional craft used in this net fishing, is Induruwa, about six kilometres south of the popular resort of Bentota. You could even ask for it to be cooked for you at one of the small beachside restaurants there, but fix the price first! Otherwise, you might be the one who’s caught!
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