Importing brand new Mobile Phones/ Devices for Personal use

Only up to three (3) mobile phone units can be imported/ brought for personal use. If more than 3 mobile phones the application should be forwarded to the TRCSL.

Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka aka TRCSL is the Regulator of Telecommunication Industry of Sri Lanka located at No., 276 Elvitigala Mawatha, Colombo 8. Contact numbers are 0112 689 345.

The following documents need to be submitted

  1. Duly filled Application Form
  2. Invoice/ Detention Receipt/ AirwayBill /Parcel Receipt which clearly indicate the name of the person and the list of equipment intend to import/clear.
  3. Technical Specification of the equipment in ( 2) above
  4. Copy of the National ID/ Passport/Driving Licence
  5. If someone else needs to get the approval on behalf of the person in (2) above, the Authorisation letter and copies of the National ID/ Passport of both persons required.

The application will be processed by TRCSL (Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka)

Tax invoice would be prepared and rendered to the applicant by TRCSL if charges are applicable for the equipment intend to import/clear and should be paid to get the approval

The following two letters will be issued to the applicant allowing the importation of equipment mentioned in Item 2 above

i.  A no objection letter addressed to the Controller /Imports & Exports

ii. A no objection letter addressed to the Director General of Customs

Important links

 Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka –

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Last Modified: March 11, 2025