Customs Regulations

Sri Lanka has the usual list of prohibited imports, including drugs, weapons, fresh fruit and anything remotely pornographic.

Items allowed:

  • 0.25L of perfume
  • 1.5L of alcohol.
  • 2 bottle of wine
  • A small number of perfumes and travel souvenirs not exceeding US$250 in value

An unusual restriction not applied in most other countries is on the importation of cigarettes, tobacco and cigars. It’s prohibited. But Sri Lanka is a no smoking country. You’ll find locally manufactured international brand-name cigarettes (Rs1,480 per pack of 20) as well as locally-made cigars in supermarkets and corner shops

No imported foreign-made cigarettes are allowed even for personal use. However, electronic cigarettes are not regulated.


Customs Regulations in Sri Lanka at the Arrival

• Declare all your currency, valuables, jewellery and gems.

• If you have nothing to declare go through the Green Channel

• Your baggage should not contain goods in commercial quantities, prohibited or restricted goods (Drugs, weapons, explosive devices, gold, sharp objects and two-way communication devices.)

• Commercial filming and photographic equipment will be allowed on valid Carnet or a Bank Guarantee or on a refundable deposit of the duty payable on the items.



Purchase of Electronic items

In case you are planning to buy duty-free electronics (washing machine, TV, fridge, etc.) at the airport as a gift for friends in Sri Lanka, that’s not possible unless you have a Sri Lankan passport.

The sale of duty-free electronics in the arrivals section of the airport is a Customs concession only for Sri Lankan passport holders (and not for Sri Lankan residence visa holders or tourists).



Customs Regulations in Sri Lanka at the Departure

• You are allowed to take whatever declared and brought into Sri Lanka

• You are also allowed to take items purchased locally (Gems, jewellery, Sri Lankan products) out of the funds brought in and declared to the customs on your arrival.

• 10KG’s of Sri Lankan duty-free tea

• Foreign currency declared and brought into the country.

• Unused Sri Lankan rupees should be converted to foreign currency at departure as export of rupees is restricted.


Not Permitted

  • All currencies in excess of your declared amounts on arrival.
    • Any gems and jewellery or valuable equipment not declared on arrival or not purchased in Sri Lanka
    • Gold (Crude, Bullion, or coins)
  • Sri Lankan rupees excess of Rs.250
  • Firearms, explosives and other weapons
  • Antiques
  • Dead or alive animals, birds and reptiles and their parts
  • Tea, rubber and coconut plants
  • Drugs


Read more

Smoking and the Law in Sri Lanka

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Last Modified: March 9, 2025